How Much Does It Cost To Maintain An App

Cost To Maintain An App
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Bilal Tahir
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Making a software application and releasing it is only the start of a long journey of success or failure.When you have released the app publicly to the users then the real work of maintenance begins.

Maintenance of a software app is just as costly as owning it and getting full control.These facts are vital for the long journey of planning and execution.

This blog will cover the costs of app maintenance. We'll show you how to save money with the right choices.

Understanding the Maintenance of an Application

Maintaining an app means improving and updating it after its public release.

The app must be up to date with the latest version. This will optimize it for different devices, ensure it runs smoothly, and make it secure. It must also meet users' expectations of solving problems.

Maintenance is not a one-time, easy job. It is a continuous effort of dedication and improvement.

Why is Maintaining an App important?

Before we discuss maintenance costs, we must know their importance. The following factors explain why:

  • User delight: A well-maintained app brings a good user experience. Continuous innovation, bug fixes, and new features keep users engaged.
  • Security: Hackers, bugs, and viruses evolve every day. So, maintaining an app's security is a matter of survival in the software world.
  • Compatibility: Operating systems like iOS and Android release updates regularly or from time to time. You must keep your app updated to the latest version. This is to ensure compatibility with these operating systems. It will prevent bugs, glitches, or complex problems later.
  • Performance: App performance can degrade over time for many reasons. These include high storage use and outdated technology. Regularly maintaining an app through updates can make sure that your software remains compatible and in its top performance for many years to come.
  • Compliance: Laws and regulatory terms can change at any time in the future maintaining an app can make sure that your software complies with the new laws and regulations set by different governments around the world.
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Reasons Affecting the App Maintenance Costs

The cost of maintaining an app from high to low can depend on different reasons.

Those reasons are:

  • App complexity: If your app has complex coding then the costs of maintenance will rise significantly due to the difficulty in updating it. Applications with advanced and latest features like AI, AR, and VR require more effort to maintain them.
  • Platform: The operating platform for which your app is built like Windows, android, ios can also affect the maintenance costs due to the different fees required to operate on them. Maintaining an app on multiple platforms can also be expensive rather than just operating on one operating platform.
  • Technology stack: The technology and framework you use for your app also influence security standards. For example, an app built with older technology may need multiple upgrades or may even need a big update change to function properly.
  • Users: More consumers means more feedback and user demand for more functionalities and the latest features which also is expensive to maintain.
  • Integration: If your app relies on third-party services like payment gateways and social media integration you will need to update them as this means adding more costs.
  • Design updates: Design trends will change over time, and your app may also need design updates from time to time to make it more visually appealing and customer-friendly.
  • Hosting and Servers: The cost of web hosting and providing services can change from time to time which means. As your app grows, you may need to increase your server capacity which can result in more expense.

Different Types of Maintenance

Application Maintenance is then further divided into different types with each having their cost estimates.

They are as follows:

Corrective Maintenance:

This type deals with fixing any bugs and errors after an application has been released which users or developers can identify by testing the app. 

While there may be minor bugs or glitches other errors can be much more difficult to fix especially when they relate to the core features of an app.

Adaptive Maintenance:

Operating systems and third-party services are evolving constantly from time to time. This type of maintenance deals with making sure the app stays compatible with these platforms so that there may not be any issues

For example, if a new version of iOS or Android is launched, your app may also want to be up to date to ensure that it works nicely on the new OS.

Perfection Maintenance:

This type has a speciality of enhancing and optimizing the application to its top shape.This consists of including new functions, enhancing current functions, and making the app extra resourceful to the user.

As you get user feedback and ratings you may have possibilities to improve the general functionality, capability, and user experience of your app.

Preventative Maintenance:

This includes making modifications to prevent any potential errors or issues that might occur in future.This might be code optimization, refactoring, or updating documentation. 

The goal is to reduce the capacity of any potential complex issues that can be very time-consuming and may be high-priced to fix.

Legal and compliance updates:

Laws and policies change over time and these adjustments sometimes require you to update your application. 

For instance, safety laws, like the GDPR, may require changes to how your app handles personal data.

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Estimating the Costs of Maintenance

The fee for maintaining an app is typically calculated as a percentage of the original development cost. 

Generally, you could assume spending around 15-20% of your app’s initial development fee on upkeep every 12 months. 

But this is just a general estimate the real cost estimate can be different.

Let us go through the following to examine what costs are involved in different categories:


Minor bugs can cost around a hundred dollars while big or complex problems can cost up to several thousand dollars.The difficulty of the problem and the time limit in which it has to be delivered can affect the costs greatly.

New features and updates: Upgrading your app to a new OS or adding new functions can cost $5,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the updates.

Server and Hosting Expense:

These charges rely on the scale of your app, the wide variety of users, and the number of data. Hosting for small packages can cost as little as $100 per month. Larger programs can cost up to $1,000 per month.

Security updates:

Routine security audits and updates can cost $1,000 to $5,000 per year. It depends on your software's complexity and security needs.

Third-Party Services:

If your app makes use of 3rd Party services such as payment gateways and analyzing tools.

You will have to estimate the costs from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per month.

Customer Support:

Customer support is often neglected in app maintenance.Depending on your consumers, this could cost a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, based on your features and services.

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Steps to Minimize Your Cost

While it's important to maintain an application, you can lower costs. Make some smart choices to reduce your expenses.

  • Prioritize Updates: Not all updates are important. Give priority to those that impact user experience, security, and optimization.This can lower the cost significantly and give you room to make more adjustments.
  • Automatic Testing: Automated checking out can find defects early. This reduces the time and cost of manual testing.
  • Scalable Structure: A scalable app architecture can reduce future maintenance costs. This makes updates and mergers less complicated.
  • Code Reviews Regularly: Regularly checking your code can help you find issues. This can save you a lot of money.
  • Customize Hosting: Regularly check your hosting needs. Choose a plan that has the best balance of price and performance. Customizing your hosting needs high and low can save you lots of money and spare resources 
  • User Feedback: Monitor feedback to catch common issues and requests. Dealing with these issues now can save your bad reviews. It can also reduce the need for emergency repairs.


The question of how much it costs to maintain an app doesn't have a simple answer. It can depend on various reasons. These include the platform it runs on and the features it offers to users.

But understanding these facts can help you. Smarter choices on how to use different capabilities can save you money. They can also give you time to think.

You can be sure that by following this guide you can save your costs and danger of going bankrupt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often must I update my app?
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A:Update every 3-4 months. This boosts security against bugs and improves compatibility with some OS.
Q: Can I reduce the costs of my app maintenance?
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A: Yes. Prioritize essential updates, automate the attempts, and optimize hosting. This will reduce maintenance costs.
Q: Is App maintenance still necessary even when the App is working perfectly?
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A: Yes, common updates are vital. They boost security and performance. They also ensure compatibility with new OS changes.

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