Is Computer Programming Hard

Computer Programming
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Bilal Tahir
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When we hear the word computer programming we always assume that it is something complex with difficult codes and you need to be some kind of a genius to understand these things. 

Images of sequences of numbers and letters or the everyday computer engineer come to mind.

But is computer programming hard or are we just assuming things on our own without seeing the bigger picture?

In this blog, we will go through different steps on what challenges we can face in programming and why it might not be as hard as you think. 

And hopefully, by the end of this blog, you might even want to learn programming and make your future bright.

Myth About Computer Programming

Many people get scared by the idea of computer programming for a few reasons. 

Let us go through each reason and find out why:

1.It’s unfamiliar territory:

If you have in no way written code before the idea of ​​telling a computer what to do can feel like mastering a brand new language.

However, don’t let this scare you from taking a new step. Do you remember the first trying to ride a bike? or when you were having a hard time in maths?

It was really scary in the beginning but with practice every day it became easier and second nature to you. The same theory applies to programming as well. The more you do it, the less complicated it becomes.

2.The Myth of the Genius:

Popular cultures or entertainment shows make programmers look like superhumans with more intelligence than others.This lie makes us feel like we are not capable enough to learn programming and deal with its challenges.

The reality is that programming is a talent that anybody can learn with time, patience and practice.It is more about solving problems and thinking with logic than requiring superhuman powers.

3.Technical jargon:

The word programming itself can cause panic with terms coming into the mind like algorithm or syntax which sound like some secret codes that have their own culture of understanding. 

But they are not as frightening as they sound. For example, the algorithm is simply like a cooking recipe in which you have to follow the steps to solve a problem and find its solution. 

And the word syntax well it is simply like the rules of grammar in which you write any language with clear understanding.

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Reality About Computer Programming

Now that we have addressed why programming appears complicated let us look at the bigger picture of what reality is.

The good news is that you can get used to programming like any other skill in the market all you need is to practice and be patient

1.It’s Like Solving Puzzles:

If you enjoy solving puzzles then programming is your right cup of tea. 

In programming huge issues are frequently cut down into smaller troubles that can be managed to make a clear picture.

Each code is like a puzzle that can be gathered to make a full answer and the enjoyment in solving this problem can be very rewarding.

2.So Many Resources to Learn:

The internet is full of guides, tutorials and free courses to help you learn the basics of programming.

Whether you want to watch an online video course or read about it the net is filled with every option you can think to choose from.

And many of these resources are free of cost so you can begin learning for free.

3.Languages ​​are Like Tools:

Just as a carpenter makes use of specialised equipment for different tasks.A programmer makes use of unique programming languages ​​based on what projects they want to develop.

Some languages ​​are less complex than others and plenty of new students start with languages ​​of simple syntax. 

This makes it simpler to brainstorm like a programmer instead of getting confused with complicated language policies

4.Learning to improve:

The more you learn about programming the greater you enhance. It’s normal to make mistakes and get disappointed when things don't go so easy however that is part of gaining knowledge and improving. 

Each mistake can enhance your talents by studying some thing new. 

Over time, you will begin to see development, and what appears hard will start to become simple.

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Steps to Learn Computer Programming

To make programming much less intimidating let us wreck down a few obstacles and provide recommendations on how you can succeed.

Start small:

Do not try learning everything all at once. You need to start small with simple problems and work your way to the top.

For exxample you could try making a simple program with two number added together to form a simple webpage.

Now as you start solving simple problems you can work on the difficult ones.

Learn with Practice:

Best way to learn programming is to do daily practice and watch tutorials on problems you cam’t solve to understand them easily. 

Follow the guides on forums or videos to learn about more ways to do programming don’t try to do everything on your own.

This approach will assist you in understanding how it all works andmake you confident.

Join the community:

Learning about programming is not a solo journey and won’t begood for you.

Ther are so many programming communites online where you can ask questions and get answers quickly while also working with others who are new. 

Being a part of the network can offer hints and support and making programming alot more exciting and fun.

Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance:

If you are alone and can’t solve a problem do not hesitate to ask questions or get assistance. 

Whether it is a friend or a mentor form an online community their prospective of solving a problem can give you new solutions which you had never thought about.

Celebrate small victories:

Every time you solve a problem no matter if its easy or difficult always be happy and appreciate yourself. 

These small successes can help you progress more smoothly and improve your programming skills.

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Fun in Learning Computer Programming: Why its woth it?

Although planning can be hard at times it can also be a fun and a rewarding journey. 

Here are a few reasons:

Creative freedom:

Programming lets you create something meaningless into a valuable.

Whether it’s a website, a game or a mobile app you have got the potential to make your creativeness into a life success. 

This new freedom can be very interesting and is one of the reasons why alot of new commers enjoy programming so much.

Problem Solving Satisfaction:

Solving a difficult problem can be an interesting and thrilling adventure. 

When you complete a problem which was giving you a hard time its success can make you feel like a conqueror.

This thrill is the reason why so many are addicted to programming with a passion.

Endless gaining knowledge:

Programming is continuously evolving with new languages, functions and new methods all the time. 

This means ther is always something new to learn and look forward to which helps keep the journey interesting.

So if you enjoy learning new things and learn new ways to do programming then you are in luck because programming has so much to offer.

Career prospects:

Learning programming can give you a path of so many new opportunities like freelancing and working from anywhere remotely. 

From software development to data analysis you hae the freedom to chose your own career path easily. 

Even if you don’t pursue programming as a career it is precious skill that can help in our futuristic world.


So is programming hard the answer depend on your way of seeing it.

Like with many skills programming has its challenges but with a right mindset anyone can learn this valuable skill form anywhere.

Instead of thinking that programming is hard please approach with an open mind and you will realize it is not that difficult.

After all in life all the success comes from working hard and tackling challenges that make life worth something to live for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Programming meant for people who are good in Math
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A: No programming is about thinking logically and solving problems and anyone can learn this skill with the right mind and motivation.
Q: Do I need a degree to be a Programmer?
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A: No many learn programming through online tutorials and free courses.
Q: What is the duration for learning the basics of Programming?
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A: It depends on how much practice you do and your dedication in learning the language all in all it can take you a few months to learn the basics.

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