WordPress Plugin Development: The Ultimate Guide 2024

WordPress Plugin Development
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Bilal Tahir
Co-Founder | WPWhales.io
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The use of these powerful tools known as plugins is the real reason why WordPress is so popular today with so many developers and tech enthusiasts. 

Anyone with the right knowledge and careful planning can use extensions. They can increase the functionality of their online presence without touching the core code and caring about the nitty gritty stuff. 

If you are searching to improve the safety of your site, write blogs and make user-friendly features. Then this is the option to choose.

But in a different scenario what happens when it doesn’t fulfill your specific demands? 

That is where the art of custom creation takes first place. 

So follow us in this guide as we will walk you through each step and explain what they are, why they are important and who can enjoy them. 

We will also help you understand the skills needed, the process to develop them, the tools and the important concepts to make things more clear to you.

What is a WordPress Plugin?

WrdPress Plugin

It is a kind of software that adds new functionalities to a website. In a more technical sense it can be described as a group of PHP scripts that plug into the framework. 

But the nice thing about WordPress Plugin is that they offer the ability to let you add features to the site without having to edit the main settings. This helps maintain the authenticity of a website by preventing changes from being lost when new versions are released.

Benefits of Developing a WordPress Plugin?

Benefits of Developing a WordPress Plugin

Now that we have discussed what it is, we should focus on its perks for users. If you know how to make one, your work will be much easier.

For your information there are over 60,000 plugins on the WordPress official store both paid and free with different capabilities.

So here are the following advantages:

Custom Made Solutions:

When you create your own it is built to meet the needs and desires of your clients. This means that the tool is guaranteed to work perfectly with the systems you already have in place.

Remove Unwanted Features:

A large number of plugins provide features that can be useless to you and may not provide the necessary functions. That might cause your website to become slow or break down. 

But when you make your personalized solution, you can add the desired features to maximize performance and user experience.

Ownership and Control:

When you develop your plugin you can have full authority over how it runs. You don't need to rely on outside assistance to make changes or maintain the software. 

This type of control can be useful because it improves the security of the web page. After all you are aware of what the code is doing and how it works with the other elements.

Earning Opportunities:

This could also assist in making money. For instance if you create a highly useful component for a frequent problem or a specific task.

It can be sold on different platforms or you can offer a premium upgrade plan. If you add more features. Your clients can pay monthly or with a one-time charge. You can also give more support and fast fixes to those who pay.

A Successful Career:

Setting up apps and other design tools can assist in improving your professional appearance especially if you are a coder or work for a web design business. 

Sharing with others helps to build a reputation because it allows you to show off your achievements and can give you a boost in your resume for a high-paying job interview.

Better Search Engine Optimization: 

Making your custom plugin provides every benefit for increasing the website's external visibility, which will motivate and attract viewers to it. 

Great Customer Service:

The experience of users can be strengthened way more by creating and designing in whatever way you wish. 


On top of that custom coding can reduce expenses, shorten the time it takes to launch your internet presence and even make its maintenance and updates simpler.

Staying in the Loop:

If you choose to make the creations public you will be contributing to the larger base of the community. Your creative solutions will be greatly appreciated. Because it will help others with their troubles.

Recommend to Read:How to Optimize Plugin Performance a complete guide

Why Develop Custom WordPress Plugins?

These are made especially to meet the special needs of a specific customer or website. 

Custom-created plugins which are different from the typical ones are designed to add or improve a specific feature that is not achievable with a standard solution.

We all want perfection and satisfaction.

5 Reason Why You Need to Develop Custom WordPress Plugins

  • Customize: Most ready-made have a lot of unneeded codes and features that bloat the web page leading to less functionality. But a personalized one contains only the necessary functions, decreases loading times and helps make the entire experience better.
  • Protection: By making your own you can guarantee the most strict safety measures are in place to avoid any security breaches or hacks.
  • Adaptable with Third Party: By using a custom-made option you can quickly find a way that works with every outside system required for your tasks.
  • Gaining New Knowledge: Creating a plugin increases one's understanding of WordPress in an overall picture. It can also help you to understand the structure which shows how different parts of it function together.
  • Marketing: Running a business that offers online services to clients often requires the usage of specific plugins that can help strengthen the brand. 

Designing unique plugins for your clients can help you stand out. It can also boost your rankings and sales. 

For example, a real estate website wants to include a multiple listing feed on their web page or a school institution wants a timetable function. 

Who Should Learn WordPress Plugin Development?

Why Should i learn a WordPress Plugin Development

Now after covering the definition, benefits and reasons for building it.Let's discuss who are the right people for WordPress plugin development role and who might be interested in it.

Many companies of all sizes from startups to popular ones want certain features that can revolutionize the tech industry.

Because of this there is now a greater need for engineers and experts who can meet and satisfy new client or changing project requirements. 

Web Developers

If you are currently a website programmer with an excellent knowledge of different languages the next logical step is to learn how to construct plugins

Learning this will enable you to:

  1. Provide Personalized Experience: This will allow you to add specific capabilities and features that are not found in others.This means that you can create unique features without changing the core code.
  1. Something New: Personalized solutions are in high demand among clients. Creating it will provide new areas to explore and polish the old.
  1. Create Fresh Earnings: By providing custom add-on development services you can simply overprice your services.Or even create your premium plugins to sell on platforms like Code Canyon.

Freelancers & Agencies

For freelancers or digital agencies working in web design and development it is worth mastering. 

Here is why:

  1. Expand Your Service: Most consumers will want more than just a simple task. Understanding how to design and meet goals allows you to provide complex solutions that can attract more customers to hire you or your organization.
  1. Being Original: Clients choose firms or freelancers who can create unique answers to match their demands.
  1. Establish Good Relations: Most requests will require you to work closely with your benefactors which opens chances for you to make them your source of income not just once but for a long time.

Recommend to Read:Top 9 Best SEO Practices for Plugin Developers

Entrepreneurs and Startup Owners

Individuals who run their businesses or new companies typically demand a digital presence with unique features that fit their company image.  

As a result it is important to understand that learning to design plugins can be useful for:

  1. Personalized Approach: If you want to include specific elements on your site such as private member sections, engaging features or complex online shopping systems.Knowing how to create one is useful because you won't have to rely on other tools that may not perfectly match your business structure.
  1. Reducing Costs: Rather than needing to hire external experts for small modifications learning how to make them helps you to save both time and money.
  1. Innovation: You can avoid competition by working on difficult solutions and then selling them to other companies.

Enthusiasts & Bloggers

As a blogger or a tech-savvy individual who enjoys experimenting with visuals and upgrades learning about plugin creation will allow you to easily adjust your site. 

This is how it helps.

  1. Take Control: Instead of using any of the generic stuff you can create exactly what is required to accomplish the desired task. Whether it is social network integration or improving the site's general performance, creativity has no limits.
  1. Useful Knowledge: Even if you do not wish to be a developer learning how to work will help you understand it better. 

This simplifies the process of running your procedure easily in any situation.

Free Contributors

If you love to help and support the platform then you are in the right place.

By doing this you can:

  1. Generosity to Others: Offering your plugins to the community adds value to its global consumers resulting in a wider audience.
  1. Promote Your Identity: Contributions can help to raise one's status resulting in the possibility of employment, new projects and partnerships.
  1. Alliance: Creation and maintenance allows you to interact with other experienced programmers which helps you develop your professional network.

Essential Skills Require Before Developing a WordPress Plugin

After learning what type would like to make plugins and reap its benefits. Let us move on to the more important part the important language skills needed to start the journey.

If you have the mindset of what it takes to develop, then you need to know about this. 



WordPress is primarily based on PHP which means any plugins that can be added to it are written in its coding. Knowing this is important since it allows you to work with and edit the core, manage data and add interactive features. 

You don't need to know everything just the basics are enough because the essentials would make things a lot easier.


Html and CSS

If your plugin contains any front-end components that include forms, buttons or user interfaces you must be proficient with both of them. 

These are the two languages that can help you develop and design the visual parts of your plug-in, ensuring that they are consistent with the rest of the site.



Without a question Javascript it is a crucial tool for improving website interactivity. The wide use of block editors has increased many user's needs. It allows you to create non-static interactive features in the plugin you're using. 

In addition understanding current libraries such as React will be useful in advanced building.

WordPress API

WordPress API

Application Programming Interface is a set of routines and access points that allow users to communicate with the system's internal components. 

Using it to design plugins that work in sync with the CMS can help you avoid potential problems with other extensions.



Because the application you develop will need to interface with the database you should be able to write precise and optimal SQL queries. 

Also you must understand how to make those perfect queries as effective as possible to prevent slowing down the performance.

Recommend to Read:How to Choose the Right Plugin Framework

How to Develop a WordPress Plugin

Here we focus on developing and customizing the application so that you can keep the functionality and security of the site intact and safe.

To design your first plugin you need to follow the following steps and keep them in mind so there won’t be any issues from start to finish.

Ideas and Planning

Writing code should not be the first step when developing. Make sure you understand what the aim is and what it will do.In other words identify a problem that can be solved. 

It could be anything from enhancing SEO to linking with an external service.After evaluating the problem, create a complete outline of the features that will make up the whole picture. 

Consider how users are going to use it. Will they need to go into the settings and modify anything? Thinking about the structure and goal of your can assist you to remain focused when creating.

Setting up Everything

Before you start you should set up a local development environment to construct your plugin. To speed up the process consider using applications like Flywheel, Xampp or Mamp to get started. 

This allows individuals to debug and test their work without compromising a live working atmosphere.It is also a good idea to use software for managing versions like Git. It will save all the changes you have made.

Doing the Programming

With everything ready it is time to get started coding. To begin, open the folder wp-content/plugins and create a new folder within it. 

In this new directory you will organize any files that you create for your software. They must have a simple title with the plugin name, its description, then version number and author information.

As you begin the development stage make sure to follow the correct guidelines to ensure that it is neat, secure and compatible with other components. 

Test and Debug

Now you must ensure that it works properly in a variety of web browsers and devices, as well as with different themes. It is also critical to run various tests and see how it interacts with other commonly used ones to avoid customer issues.

The Final Release

After finishing everything, the following step is to release it to the public or to your clients who ordered it. Also it must include a manual describing how everything works. It can be in the form of a video tutorial or simple steps.

The guide should include instructions for installation, configurations and usage as well as how to resolve typical problems.

Plugin Development Tools

Plugin Development Tool

There are several Plugin Development tools you can use to make work faster and easier. So don't neglect the help which can save you precious time and resources.

With their help you can be more creative and manage things more carefully reducing any chances of errors.

  • Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text: These code editors are light by nature majority of developers choose them for writing clean and well-structured code. They provide important abilities such as text coloring, mistake detection and much more.
  • WP-CLI: This is useful for managing software setup. It is also easy to enable or disable plugins and update and even control databases without using the admin panel.
  • Query Monitor: This is recommended for debugging purposes. It provides full descriptions of database queries, hooks, HTTP requests and so on. It helps in identifying performance issues and resolving bugs for merging.
  • Local Flywheel: This is an excellent application for setting up a local testing environment. It simplifies the process of downloading and installing WordPress on your workstation, allowing you to create and experiment with different software without interruption.
  • Git: It allows you to track how your work as well as return to the previous version. It is very useful with complicated software development projects to make sure that the development process runs as smoothly as possible.

Fundamental Concept of WordPress Plugin Development

Fundamental Concept of WordPress Plugin Development

Lastly here are a few key notes you need to memorize so that the whole process can be completed smoothly.

  • Hooks: They allow for the use of customized codes at specific points without causing any changes to system files. 

They are split into two types.  

Actions: allow the improvement of functional, custom features. 

Filters: allow for any harmful data modification before presentation.

  • Blocks: As a builder you can create several blocks that provide a fresh approach to creating and structuring content for users. For example, custom blocks might offer interactivity or let users include external changeable material in their posts and pages.
  • Shortcodes: This makes it much easier to add complicated features within the text. It is possible to launch any personalized action by placing it on a page or a post like creating a form, adding a gallery or even pulling in other material. They can be designed for the simplicity of those who are not knowledgeable about technology but would like to use certain features.
  • Widgets: They are a group of functions that can be placed in various areas of a web page such as the sidebar and footer.


The ability to build WordPress plugins is a satisfying talent that can open up a variety of opportunities for customizing, upgrading and even buying and selling. 

In short, anyone working in this environment can benefit from learning how to create it. This is a flexible skill that provides multiple possibilities in the modern world.

By following all the methods in this guide you will no doubt be able to master everything in no time and start making a bright future for yourself.Just be confident and follow your heart and passion the problems will fade away as you start with a positive mindset.

Use WP Whales for your next WordPress Plugin Development Project

On the other hand if you don't want to worry about plugin creation then you can always turn to WP Whales. Here we focus on delivering whatever you need whether it's a simple project for your website or a complex one. 

We have highly skilled developers who can create safe, adaptable and quality WordPress solutions for both businesses and individuals alike.

So don’t wait and start the race to a brighter future with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is plugin development?
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A: It refers to the process of creating small software that improves the performance of a webpage.
Q: What are the benefits of WordPress plugins?
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Q: Do I need to create a new plugin for my website?
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A: Assume your site has specific requirements that existing ones fail to satisfy. In that situation, developing your own is a great way to add functionality that is not available in others. This ensures that the site performs exactly how you want it to without relying on any standard methods.

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